
Blue Trail Receives Grant from Alliance Data and Epsilon


C8B890E2-066E-4164-962E-C606F6C2D060Blue Trail was recently awarded $10,000 from Alliance Data and its Epsilon business to help further the innovation and construction of 10 interactive art-design-tech installations that have been designed for San Francisco’s waterfront. Ideally it will consist of an interactive art and technology “trail” that engages people in art and ocean sustainability. Each installation has been designed to introduce the mystery, beauty and fragility of the world’s oceans and to inform the community on ocean conservation. The grant is especially significant since it was made through Alliance Data’s Internal Grant Rewards Program that encourages employees to request financial support for their favorite nonprofit organization. “Our employees have a unique opportunity to blend our distinctive skill set and our commitment to the community by bringing awareness and enhancing the experience of Blue Trail’s project,” said Dana Beckman, senior manager of external communications for Alliance Data. “Through this partnership with Blue Trail, Epsilon employees are able to share their expertise with the organization.”  More >

Blue Trail Wins NEA Grant!

Through its partnership with University of California, Santa Cruz, Blue Trail has been awarded a $45,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, enabling Blue Trail to produce its inaugural art-tech-science ocean ecology installation in 2015. > More


PIER 39 Offers Blue Trail Prime Locations

PIER 39, one of San Francisco’s leading tourist attractions, has offered Blue Trail, at no cost, the use of key sites for our installations in 2015-16. PIER 39 is located at the northern end of San Francisco’s waterfront and is visited by 5-6 million people a year.


Great News for Blue Trail Fundraising!


UC Santa Cruz’s art-science institute, OpenLab, has announced that it will help underwrite Oceanic Scales by artist/designer Gene Felice. Oceanic Scales will enable visitors to explore their role in maintaining a balanced ocean ecology through multi-sensory, interactive games inspired by the microorganisms of the sea.

Jury Selects Finalists from Field of 30


Choosing from 30 submitted “concept proposals,” the jury has selected the seven teams they will invite to submit final proposals for the September 2013 waterfront trail. The jury includes representatives from Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, California Academy of Sciences, IDEO and ZERO1. See their choices here. Now it is time to find funding to make the trail possible!

Fast Company Highlights Blue Trail Design Jam


5 Creative Ways to Get People to Pay Attention to the Ocean

In recent weeks, water has rightly been portrayed as a terrifying thing, seeping into the streets during Hurricane Sandy and flooding vital infrastructure, not to mention homes. But water is also vital to our existence. And if we don’t pay attention to ocean health, we’ll all be in trouble. MORE

7story CAOS epsilon intersection openlab Saatchi